
SpClientMonitor for Oracle v1.0.19.2

SpClientMonitor for Oracle v1.0.19.2

spClientMonitor software product allows you to monitor and analyze the database SQL response time from the application or end user point of view. This approach is very efficient because you can see what particular end users and applications do have performance problems and what particular SQL statements cause these problems. spClientMonitor software measures the response time of every SQL statement generated by client's applications and stores SQL performance metrics in the repository which is located in a separate Oracle database schema you configure when setting up the spClientMonitor software. This approach helps organizations to quickly target badly performing clients, applications and particular SQL statements.

Traditional Oracle database monitoring tools provide solutions which are focusing on the monitoring of the database instance from the database administratorpoint of view. In contrast, spClientMonitor enables you to watch the SQL performance from the end-user or target application point of view. This approach allows you to quickly resolve SQL related performance issues which actually form the major part of Oracle database performance problems.

The main part of spClientMonitor SQL monitoring environment is called monitoring listener (ML). ML is the software module that actually captures and measures the performance of clients' SQL transactions. ML can work in non-intrusive passive listening mode. In this passive mode, ML does not affect theperformance of the target users and clients applications at all. Thus, ML does not affect the final response time of SQL statements being monitored. Furthermore, while working in passive monitoring mode ML does not require any additional configuration of clients applications and network configurations. The monitoring listener consumes typically less than 2-3% of host CPU time. If ML is running on a separate host, its overhead onthe target Oracle databases is reduced to zero percent. This passive mode can be used for configurations when spClientMonitor listener is installed on the same host where target Oracledatabases are running. Also, the passive capture mode can be used when spClientMonitor listener is installed on the host through which SQL traffic goes to target Oracledatabases. For example, it could be a network gateway host for the subnet to which belong end client hosts working with target Oracle databases.

spClientMonitor monitoring listener can also work in active mode when end users connections to target Oracle databases are established through the spClientMonitor listener. In this active mode, it places a little additional overhead on the SQL response time that is less than 1%. This mode is used when target Oracle databases run under operating systems which are different from supported Windows versions like Sun Solaris or HP Unix.
spClientMonitor Key Features

* Capture response time for SQL statements for target clients hosts, applications, end-users, and Oracle databases.
* Support of passive non-intrusive and active monitoring modes.
* Flexible deployment configurations which allow to meet all customers needs.
* Very robust performance monitoring engine handling thousands of simultaneous SQL transactions of hundreds simultaneous users.
* Support of all Oracle current production database releases starting from 8.1.7 up to 11.2.
* Detailed SQL performance analysis.
* Capture of full SQL statement text
* Capture full Oracle sessions details like username, host IP address, application, database service name/SID, operating system user name.
* Support of SQL performance baselines based on the performance history.
* SQL profile feature support which allows you to group target SQL statements into logical groups called SQL Profiles and quickly analyze the aggregate response times.
* Tracing session's SQL statements with response time analysis and execution plans.
* Convenient graphical user interface.
* Performing long-time and trend analysis based on the SQL performance history stored in the database repository.
* More useful features.

Software Architecture

spClientMonitor software consists of three main parts:

* Database repository is used to store performance history metrics for captured SQL statements.
* Monitoring listener (ML) which actually captures and measures the performance of SQL statements.
* spClientMonitor console which is intended for analysis of SQL performance, monitoring listeners and repository configuration and management.

Database Repository

spClientMonitor database repository is used to store configuration data about Oracle databases which are monitored by listeners. The repository is also used to store SQL performance history data collected for the target Oracle databases. It is recommended to configure spClientMonitor database repository in a separate Oracle database located on a separate host. It is recommended that the version of the Oracle database for spClientMonitor database repository to be 10.2 or higher. For database environments with large workload and thousand of transactions per second it is recommended to create spClientMonitor database repository on the server with enough hardwareperformance. The size of the database repository could be significant and store millions of SQL history records. The performance of the repository database should be high enough to perform the analysis at the proper response time.
Monitoring Listener

spClientMonitor Monitoring Listener (ML) is the Windows service software module which runs in the background as the Windows service and actually performs monitoring of SQL transactions for the target set of Oracle databases. In the most common configuration, ML is installed on the host where the target Oracle database is running. ML supports two modes of operation:

Passive mode is used for non-intrusive SQL monitoring when ML captures and measures performance of SQL transactions by not affecting the final SQL response time. In this mode, ML usually work either or the database server host or network gateway host through which SQL traffic flows.

Active mode is used when end-users and applications connect to Oracle databases through ML module. This mode is commonly used when target Oracle databases work on non-Windows operating systems like Linux or other unix systems. In this mode end users connect to the target Oracle databases being monitored absolutely transparently and ML does nit place any overhead on the SQL resulting response time.

SQL performance for each target Oracle databases can be monitored by multiple spClientMonitor Monitoring Listeners. This enables you to minimize overhead on the target Oracle database host and increase the reliability.
spClientMonitor Console

spClientMonitor Console is the main GUI application through which Oracle database administrators perform SQL performance trend analysis, monitoring configuration and database repository management. The console can be used for the following tasks:

* Database repository configuration and management.
* Monitoring listeners configuration and management.
* SQL performance history trend analysis and reporting.
* Clients hosts performance history trend analysis and reporting.
* SQL profiles configuration and reporting.

Sample spClientMonitor Monitoring Environment

The picture below represents a sample monitoring environment of spClientMonitor software. In this sample environment, ORA2 Oracle database and spClientMonitor listener (ML) are running on a single host Host1 under Windows operating system. All end users and applications are being monitored by ML in passive mode and no any clients configuration is necessary. Oracle database ORA1 is running on a host under Unix operating system. Two spClientMonitor listeners are running on hosts Host2 and Host3 and act as proxies for all clients connections to the database ORA1. In this case, a modification of clients TNSNAMES.ORA file is necessary where you configure HOST and PORT parameters to direct clients connections to the database ORA1 through spClientMonitor listeners on hosts Host2 and Host3. Then these listeners direct all SQL traffic tothe target database ORA1 and back to end users.


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