
Portable Utimaco SafeGuard Easy v4.50.3.19

Portable Utimaco SafeGuard Easy v4.50.3.19

Portable Utimaco SafeGuard Easy v4.50.3.19 || 49.7 Mb

SafeGuard Easy provides this protection: No unauthorized user may access the device and read data or use the
device as a tool to enter the company network. If a device gets into unauthorized hands, the data is securely
protected even if the hard disk is removed. Complete encryption of the entire hard disk and a user authentication
procedure that runs before the operating system boots provide secure protection.

SafeGuard Easy is truly user-proof. It operates transparently in the background, so end users don’t need
training or to change how they work. For security officers, IT managers, and system administrators, SafeGuard
Easy offers transparent security, easy security policy implementation, and simple deployment.

- One-time deployment of SafeGuard Easy on all PCs and notebooks guarantees the easy enforcement of company-wide
security policy
- Full data encryption provides comprehensive IT security and safeguards against unauthorized access
- No additional cost for data erasing or hard disk destruction in case of sale or return of leased devices

Home Page - http://www.utimaco.com/



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