AIM Expressions® Feature
Change your online persona as often as you'd like -- for free! SuperBuddy™ icons, Buddy Wallpapers, Buddy Sounds, and Smileys are all up for grabs. Get an expression and go crazy.
AIM Fight
It's an online popularity contest! Find out if you're more popular than your friends. AIM Fight scans how many people have YOU buddy listed and are currently online. Get your virtual fists of fury ready for AIM Fight!
AIM Plugins
Give your IMs a whole new bag of tricks. From broadcasting messages to customized IMs, AIM Plugins add a whole new level of fun to your conversations.
AIM Bots
These little guys are always ready to help you out. Get movie info, diet tips and even phone numbers sent right to you. See what the AIM Bots can do for you.
• Add mobile numbers to the Buddy Info area
• Group and ungroup your IM conversations
• Send an IM to your buddies who are offline
• Add pictures to your Buddy Info
• Change the color of your Buddy List
• Make your own Buddy Icons
• View other people's custom Buddy Icons
• Keep track of your conversations with IM Logging
• Get local movie info on your AIM service or cell phone
ICQ Info description
ICQ Info will open the page with ICQ profile of selected UIN
There are billions of people using ICQ. Some of them public their ICQ UIN on web pages, but not all of them create the link to view their ICQ profile online.
For those who don't know how to view the ICQ profile, this occasion is inaccessible. ICQ Info will allow you to view ICQ profile just by one click!
No more copying, opening new tab (or window) and pasting the number if you want to see the ICQ profile and there's no link! Just select the number and click „Find ICQ Info“ in context menu (right mouse button). ICQ Info will open the page with ICQ profile of selected UIN.
This program is a chat client from Microsoft. You first need an email account at hotmail to download MSN Messenger, and beable to create an account. Once this has occurred you can transmit instant messages with other hotmail account users. MSN Messenger is popular due too it's simplicity and ease of use. New features for version 8.0 include,
* Video Conversation
* Audio Conversation
* Dynamic display pictures
* shared searches
* Improved photo sharing
* PC to mobile phone text messaging
yahoo msg
Yahoo! Messenger allows you to exchange instant messages and PC-to-PC voice calls with your online friends. If you subscribe to the Phone In or Phone Out premium services, you can also use Messenger to make or receive calls from regular telephones.
You must be a registered Yahoo! user in order to use Yahoo! Messenger. Yahoo! Messenger establishes a connection to the Internet when it is active -- much like a browser does -- in order for communications to be received and transmitted.
Information Collection and Use Practices
* Yahoo! Messenger automatically checks for updates to Yahoo! software.
* Yahoo! Messenger’s auto-update feature offers the ability to download the next available version in the background.
o When the file is ready for installation, you’ll be given the choice to install immediately or wait until another time.
o Yahoo! Messenger offers the auto update feature by default. You have the option to be notified prior to auto-update as well.
+ In versions 8.1 or greater, you can change your auto-update options by going to the Messenger menu, choosing "Preferences", then "Alerts & Sounds".
+ Prior to upgrading to version 8.1 or greater, you will have the opportunity to select this option one time when notice is provided of the new feature. The option can be changed after that point by upgrading to version 8.1 or greater (and selecting the menu option mentioned above) or by selecting the check-box enabling the background download when an auto-alert is presented to you.
* You can establish a messenger list within Messenger and be added as a friend to other users’ messenger lists.
* By default, your online status, display image and nickname will be visible to other Messenger users who you instant message with or who have you on their messenger list.
o You can choose to appear offline by signing in as “invisible.”
o You can selectively appear online or offline to specific friends or groups of friends on Messenger using the Stealth Settings option
o You can choose to appear offline and block a user from sending you messages using the “ignore” option
* Yahoo! allows users to save messages so that they may retain records of their instant messaging communications.
o By default, Yahoo! Messenger will archive your message history for the current session, until you sign out. When that that session ends, the message archive will be deleted.
o To change your archiving preferences in Messenger, choose Messenger > Preferences > Archive
o Please be aware that even if you choose not to save your message history, members you correspond with may opt to use the functionality available in their version of Messenger to save the communications. Also note that some versions of Yahoo! Messenger allow other users to save their conversations with you to their account on Yahoo! servers, just like email. Click here to learn more about Message History. [Insert link to SSA Help Page
o You can delete your archived messages by selecting the message, and clicking on the “Delete” button. However, this does not delete any of your conversations saved by other users.
* Messenger automatically identifies phone numbers and email addresses included in messages so you can quickly save them to your Yahoo! Address Book or take other actions, such as sending an email. This is a function carried out by the Messenger client on your computer and is not done by Yahoo! servers.
* The text tagging by the automatic highlighting option in LiveWords takes place entirely on your own computer. Yahoo! does not read the text of your messages in order to make LiveWords suggestions. A list of possible suggestions is routinely downloaded to your machine based on the categories and interest levels you have specified. During your IM conversations, the Yahoo! Messenger application on your machine compares the text of messages you send and receive against the list of possible suggestions.
* Messenger gives you the opportunity to report instant messages you receive as spam. If you choose to report spam, Yahoo! will be sent information about the conversation including the Yahoo! ID of the member being reported, text of the conversation, and your Yahoo! ID.
* When you invite someone to use Messenger using our form (as opposed to add someone as a friend to your friend list), you will need to provide that person's email address. Information collected on that form will only be used to send an email on your behalf and will not be used for any marketing purposes.
* Voice
o By default any other member using Messenger may send you PC-to-PC calls. You can change your preferences so that you only receive calls from members on your friends list.
o Yahoo! does not save PC-to-PC calls and other voice communications that go through our servers. However, the voice mails you record for other members are stored on Yahoo! servers. Yahoo!'s practice is to not use the content of those voice mail messages.
o If you are using the premium Phone In product in conjunction with Yahoo! Messenger, people using a normal phone will be able to call you in Yahoo! Messenger using your Phone In phone number.
o If you choose to use the feature Open Talk, people in your friends list will be able to establish a PC-to-PC call with you, without you needing to accept the call.
o The Contact Search bar feature stores your recent communication history for any communication initiated through the Contact Search Bar where there were no direct matches with your Address Book contacts.
o Messenger stores a call history on your computer, which you can view in Messenger by choosing Contacts > Voice Messages & Call History. If you use the premium Phone In or Phone Out services, we will also store a call log on your personal Yahoo! Voice Services page.
Skype installs on your Windows or Mac PC. It’s available as a free download.
Skype lets you talk to anyone else in the world for free, as long as they have Skype too and you both have:
* A broadband internet connection.
* A headset or Skype phone each.
A headset is simply headphones with a microphone attached. These are generally a lot cheaper than Skype phones and are probably a good choice if you are just looking to get started. You can purchase one from an office supply store near you. Alternatively, you can order a headset online here or from the USA Skype Store or the European Skype Store.
(Note: if you are using a laptop, you may have a microphone built in, in which case you can try Skype with your built in microphone and speakers. Be warned however, this may lead to a distracting and probably unacceptable echo on your calls. This may not be audible to you but will be audible to the person you are calling. The echo is due to sound feeding back from the speakers to the microphone - a headset avoids this problem).
In addition to allowing you to talk to other Skype users for free, Skype lets you call normal phones too. This is not free though - you pay for the time you use. The rate is quite cheap - comparable to calling card rates. The people at Skype call this facility “SkypeOut”. Purchase Skype Credit here if you want to use SkypeOut to call normal phones.
Skype is quite easy to set up and use. The trickiest part for most people is purchasing a headset and getting it working. If you follow the steps below you should avoid most of the common hurdles.
Help with your headset
Most headsets have two plugs: one that goes into the headphone socket and one that goes into the microphone socket. Usually these sockets are at the back of the PC. Unfortunately both plugs are exactly the same shape and so it’s easy to plug them in the wrong socket. To make matters worse, many PCs have more than two of these same-shaped sockets. To help with this, some manufacturers color-code the plugs and the sockets.
So, if your plugs and sockets are color-coded you are in luck. Just plug the green plug into the green socket and the pink plug into the pink socket and you’re away. (If your plugs and/or sockets are other colors, read on…).
If your sockets are color coded but your plugs are not, you may be able to work out which is the microphone plug by looking at the outside of the plug - it may have a picture of a microphone on it. If you can work out which is the microphone plug, plug it into the pink socket. Then plug the other plug into the green socket and you are away.
If neither your sockets or plugs are color-coded, you may be able to determine which is which by looking at the symbols that some manufacturers position beside the sockets and on the outside of the plug. If not, you may have to fall back on trial and error - take a guess then follow the instructions below for testing that your equipment is working.
If your headset does not have two plugs, then it most likely has a little rectangular plug called a USB plug. This plug can be plugged into any socket of the same shape on the front, back or side of your PC. More expensive headsets, as well as Skype Phones, usually have this type of plug.
Testing that Skype is working correctly
Once you’ve got your headset or Skype phone set up, you can check that it’s working by typing echo123 in the Skype Name/Phone number box (the white box near the bottom of the Skype window), then clicking the green “call” button. If you hear nothing through your headset or phone, it is probably not configured correctly - try clicking here for more assistance.
If all is well, you should hear a recorded message giving you some instructions. The recorded message will ask you to speak into the microphone for ten seconds. Your voice is then played back to you. If your voice is not played back, try clicking here for more assistance.
If you hear your voice recording correctly, you are finished setting up Skype. Start calling your friends on Skype and, if you purchased Skype Credit above, on their normal phones. (Find out how to make Skype calls by clicking here). If you have Outlook, there’s a lot more you can do also, using Skylook - find out how to get the most out of Skype with Outlook by clicking here.
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