Have you ever wondered just how you could get your advertisements CTR to go up, even just a little bit? Your CTR is one of the most important factors in creating a successful online business.
After all if your visitors don't click on your ad's you don't get paid. This is definitely a situation you do not want to be put in. With having to pay rent, utilities, car payments, and god knows what else, can you really afford not to take advantage of every bit of help you get?
Now, check out these background images.
Now imagine what 300 of these background images can do to your Adsense profits!
Alright, I decided to go with $0.10 per background image. Yes, I know that is a steal! :) Lets say your monthly profit from AdSense is $500 and these images increase your CTR by just 20%, that will automatically gives you extra $100 instantly! And considering you just paying $30 for all 300 images, thats what I call excellent investment.
Now lets make this a done deal.
Lets slash the price by 50%. How does $15 sounds to you?
Want even more discount??!
OK! Fine. Consider I am insane. :)
Last price, $9!
Yes, grab all 300 background images that will put more money into your pocket instantly for only $9.
But remeber that you are in 4down where all stuffs are free
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